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  • Acacia AC1200-001-250
Acacia AC1200-001-250

Acacia AC1200-001-250

  • 产品描述:Acacia AC1200-001-250_100G/200G/400G cfp2-dco pluggable coherent optical module_Liyuan Tech
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Brand: Acacia
Part Number: AC1200-001-250
Acacia AC1200-001-250 100G/200G/400G cfp2-dco pluggable coherent optical module

Acacia's 100G/200G/400G CFP2-DCO coherent optical modules are designed to support access/remote PHY aggregation,

wireless backhaul, metropolitan/long distance service providers and data center networks  Network

interconnection.  The module is designed to follow the carrier-centric OpenROADM MSA and the 100G standard in CableLabs.

In addition to supporting interoperable line-side transmission, the module also features Acacia's high-performance transmission mode, which has been widely used in CFP2 form-factor 100G and 200Gand 400G application.

Acacia's 400Gbps cfp2-dco coherent optical modules are designed to comply with OpenROADM, OpenZR+, OIF 400ZR, and CableLabs specifications for optimization

400Gbps to support access aggregation, wireless backhaul, and interconnection of metropolitan/long distance data centers and service provider networks.

The 400G CFP2-DCO module combines Acacia's Greylock DSP ASIC based on 7nm CMOS technology with Acacia's

Silicon Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) to  Achieve optimized common packaging design.

In addition to Acacia AC1200-001-250 , Liyuan Tech supply a wide range of other Optical transceiver transceivers. If you have any need or interest, please feel free to send inquiry to