产品描述:FINISAR FTCD8615E1PLM_QSFP 400G SR8 850nm 100M LC MMF MPO_Liyuan Tech
Encapsulation mode: QSFP
Description: QSFP 400G SR8 850nm 100M LC MMF MPO .
Data rate: 400G
Distance: 100M
Wavelength: 850nm
Connector Type: MPO .
Product Category: Pluggable optical module
Fibre Type: Multimode
Coherent: Coherent .
Connector: LC
Operating temperature: 0℃ -70℃
Country of origin: China .
In addition to FINISAR FTCD8615E1PLM , Liyuan Tech supply a wide range of other FINISAR transceivers. If you have any need or interest, please feel free to send inquiry to global@chn-liyuan.com