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  • SIEMENS 6ES7414-5HM06-0AB0 6AG1414-5HM06-4XE0
SIEMENS 6ES7414-5HM06-0AB0 6AG1414-5HM06-4XE0

SIEMENS 6ES7414-5HM06-0AB0 6AG1414-5HM06-4XE0

  • 产品描述:SIEMENS 6ES7414-5HM06-0AB0 6AG1414-5HM06-4XE0_1x MPI/DP, 1x DP, 1x PN and 2 for sync modules, 4 MB memory (2 MB data/2 MB program),_Liyuan Tech
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Manufacturer: SIEMENS 
Part Number: 6ES7414-5HM06-0AB0 6AG1414-5HM06-4XE0
Product type designation: CPU 414-5H PN/DP
HW functional status: 1
Firmware version: V6.0
Product function
Isochronous mode: No
Engineering with
Programming package: As of STEP 7 V5.5 SP2 with HF1
CiR - Configuration in RUN
CiR synchronization time, basic load: 100 ms
CiR synchronization time, time per I/O byte: 0 µs
Supply voltage
Rated value (DC): Power supply via system power supply
Input current
from backplane bus 5 V DC, typ. :1.6 A
from backplane bus 5 V DC, max. :1.9 A
from backplane bus 24 V DC, max : 150 mA; 150 mA per DP interface
from interface 5 V DC, max. : 90 mA; At each DP interface
Power loss
Power loss, typ: 7.5 W
describe:SIMATIC S7-400H, CPU 414-5H, central processing unit for S7-400H and S7-400F/FH, 5 interfaces: 1x MPI/DP, 1x DP, 1x PN and 2 for sync modules, 4 MB memory (2 MB data/2 MB program),
Transceiver Products Supplied by Liyuan Tech
Main Brands: Alcatel, Nokia, Finisar, Ciena, Mellanox, Brocade,Cisco , Infinera, Ericsson, DELL, HPE, Juniper, ADVA, HUAWEI, ZTE, etc.
Models:1.25G-10G-16G-25G-40G-100G-200G-400G-800G, SFP/SFP+/QSFP+/QSFP28/QSFP56/CFP/CFP2/CFP4/QSFP-DD
In addition to SIEMENS 6ES7414-5HM06-0AB0 6AG1414-5HM06-4XE0 , Liyuan Tech supply a wide range of other SIEMENS Series . If you have any need or interest, please feel free to send inquiry to