Optical transceiver

Acacia AC200-D12-00H

  • Product description: Acacia AC200-D12-00H 100G/200G cfp2-dco pluggable coherent optical module
Acacia AC200-D12-00H  100G/200G cfp2-dco pluggable coherent optical module

Acacia's 100G/200G CFP2-DCO coherent optical modules are designed to support access/remote PHY aggregation, wireless backhaul, metropolitan/long distance service providers and data center networks  Network

interconnection.  The module is designed to follow the carrier-centric OpenROADM MSA and the 100G standard in CableLabs.

In addition to supporting interoperable line-side transmission, the module also features Acacia's high-performance transmission mode, which has been widely used in CFP2 form-factor 100G and  200 g application.

Acacia's 400Gbps cfp2-dco coherent optical modules are designed to comply with OpenROADM, OpenZR+, OIF 400ZR, and CableLabs specifications for optimization

400Gbps to support access aggregation, wireless backhaul, and interconnection of metropolitan/long distancedata centers and service provider networks.

The 400G CFP2-DCO module combines Acacia's Greylock DSP ASIC based on 7nm CMOS technology with Acacia's

Silicon Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) to  Achieve optimized common packaging design.

In addition to Acacia Acacia AC200-D12-00H ,  Liyuan Tech has a wide range of transceivers. For the list,quote and moreinformation, please send inquiry to global@chn-liyuan.com